FinTP is an application that provides automation of business processes. It processes financial transactions and achieves compliance to standards and regulations.
FinOps Suite is an extension of FinTP that addresses flows pertaining to SMEs or corporations, ensuring consolidation of treasury and financial business to optimize the resources allocation and efficiency, and providing a single view of the financial operations, cash reporting and forecasting, accounting reconciliation, transaction filtering, all customized for company usage.
The automated testing tool is a functional extension of FinTP, designed to make the testing process more objective. Its main purpose is to assist and help people involved in the testing and validation process, providing fast and complete checks of FinTPc after the initial installation, after configuration changes, after the installation of major releases or patches (regression testing), after installation of new features.
It is built as a collection of modules that can be used on their own to test certain business or technical functionalities. The automated testing is performed:
– in different deployment architectures;
– for different versions of prerequisites;
– for different technical interfaces with other applications;
– for custom configurations.
The benchmarking tool is a tool that provides performance reports required by infrastructure architects in corporations.
This tool assists technical teams in investigating performance issues and in validating a combination of deployment architectures (hardware and software) and operational architectures (different flows and configurations).
FinTPc processes financial operations for corporate treasuries and SMEs. It is the main result of the TOSS project, a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”.
SMEs centralize common financial flows and get up to date information about: balance sheet, salary payments, invoicing, cashflow, accounts payable and receivable.
The application helps SME business owners who lack an in depth financial background, who do not have an internal CFO role to rely on and who cannot afford to invest in big tech financial operations solutions. Such an entrepreneur usually leads a complex enough business from an operations perspective to need automation and integration of available financial data sources.
Financed via EEA & Norway Grants, operated by Innovation Norway, SMEs Growth Programme. The total value of the investment is EUR 738.375, with EUR 420.000 EUR nonrefundable.
FinTPc automates financial processes and centralizes operations for companies, group of legal entities, holdings or corporates. FinTPc, together with the benchmarking (Tracker) and Automated Testing tools and the FINkers United new portal are the main results of the TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project, co-financed by Allevo and the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”.

Flow automation and integration
Process payments and automate business flows, ensuring resilience, persistance. Native ISO20022 support. Business flow consolidation.
To local or international standards and regulatory requirements for the financial industry.
End-to-end Interoperability
Between software platforms, legacy applications, distribution channels, new services, customer interfaces. Connect heterogeneous back-office systems to external networks or market infrastructures.
Operational features
Accounting reconciliation, duplicate detection, transaction validation and filtering, alerts, remittances, eArchive. Business continuity.
Liquidity reporting, forecasting, competitive reports, custom reports.
Financial transactions
Credit transfer, direct debit, debit instruments, securities, instant payments, FX/MM.target audience

• No license fee
• Vendor independence
• Up-to-date technology

• Auditable source code
• Available documentation
• Direct interaction with peers or
other users of the application

• Quick time to market
• Fast auditing