Get involved

How to contribute

You are welcome to our community, to use our code, praise or criticize us. We rely on your feedback and involvement.

There are many ways you can contribute and thus become part of a living community. The more dedicated you become, the more possibilities will open.
To learn more about these, please see the Structure and Roles section.


This community started out as a group of people with complementary skills, who work together to achieve freedom in exchanging information and bringing fixes and suggestions to projects.

This community started out as a group of people with complementary skills, who work together to achieve freedom in exchanging information and bringing fixes and suggestions to projects.
When the founding members feel that a person has earned the merit to be part of the development community, they grant them direct access to the source code. This way, people are encouraged to submit suggestions or patches or to join the debates hosted on the forum.

Everybody is welcome to join this community and contribute according to his or her area of expertise. The meritocracy system is being updated and implemented as FINkers United expands, depending on the needs of the members and evolution of both the project and community.

Structure and roles

Here are some insights of the community structure. Its aim is to give you a hint where you could best fit and how to optimize your activity within the community.


| members – anyone can become member of the community. You need to agree to our code of conduct. We would very much appreciate if you:

• tell your friends and peers about us
• provide feedback on your experience using our outcomes, we even accept bugs
• inform our developers of strengths and weaknesses you found and identify possible new features
• support new users (share the experience you gained)
• provide moral support

| contributors – once a member of the community, you may become a contributor. You just need to be willing to give away the outcomes of your activity within the community, no matter if you are a requirements designer, architect, developer, tester, document writer, or translator. Your artifacts are submitted as patches and validated by committers or project maintainers. Your contributions are always acknowledged. There are several things a member cannot do, but a contributor can, such as:

• analyzing and designing requirements
• adding features
• programming
• fixing bugs
• writing documentation
• software localization
• providing graphics and web design

Help us out

The FINkers United community and its portal are currently supported by Allevo.

You can help us by:

1. Spreading the word – include a link to on your website or simply say something nice about it on social media.

2. Giving a testimonial – what you like about FinTPc or FINkers United, how it helped you achieve something.

3. Share your opinion via the Forum.

4. Review documentation and code posted on GitHub.



When a situation requires, there is a call for voting. We keep this option to ensure the voice of the community is heard. Besides the matter itself, the type of vote is announced. Just go to the dedicated section within the forum, access the proposal and check your option of the four available. In order to place your comment, please reply to the post. The result is automatically summarized.

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