Relationship with Allevo

What is the relationship between FINkers United and Allevo?

The FINkers United community was created by Allevo, purposed to be an open source community, hosting various open source projects. The first project is FinTP, published by Allevo. It is released under the GPL v3 license, so other open source communities are free to study, adopt, and modify. The second project is FinTPc, an application that automates financial flows for corporates.

Community vs. Allevo guarantee

The FinTP version guaranteed by Allevo is industrialized, built, customized and validated by Allevo with the explicit intent of being used as an enterprise platform. Allevo offers Allevo guarantee for quality only for the version tested and validated by Allevo with the customer. The community version is free to use and alter, under GPL v3 license terms, and Allevo is not liable for any malfunctioning.

FinTP community – rapid development of the latest technology

FINkers United has many users, contributors and supporters, who interact through various online forums, email lists, and wikis to support each other. With a rapid development and release cycle, FinTP provides an open source financial transactions processing suite with an extensive set of functionalities.

FinTP guaranteed by Allevo – stable, supported open source application

When running FinTP as guaranteed by Allevo, you get a robust and stable application, ready for mission-critical operations, with as much as successfully 15+ years of practice proven production, but you also get the benefits of a wide-ranging community of skills – spanning from deep technical expertise to financial business proficiency. The guaranteed version comes with a comprehensive set of maintenance and support services.

Learn more about the history of both FinTP Project and Allevo

Allevo started developing a software for financial processing, integration, message transformation and routing in 2001. The first product was qBC, a financial message routing middleware connecting different applications. This was the precursor of qPayIntegrator, started in 2003 and implemented one year later in six major Romanian financial institutions – to connect them to the national electronic payment system (i.e. REGIS, SENT and SaFIR – corresponding to RTGS, ACH and GSRS). Since then, several functionalities were added on top of qPayIntegrator engine, providing support for the most used funds transfer instruments (payment orders, direct debit, debit instruments), including operational features for risk containment (AML filtering, duplicate detection, reconciliation), liquidity reporting, remittances end-to-end management and SEPA and TARGET2 compliance.

In 2011, Allevo initiated the FinTP Project i.e. offering under GLP v3 license its redesigned qPayIntegrator application for financial transactions processing, a practice proven, rich functionalities set, stable and global financial standards compliant solution.

In 2017, Allevo received financial support for a 2-year project for developing an innovative open source solution for corporate treasuries, as part of the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020. The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”.

As part of this project, Allevo built FinTPc for an environment suiting SME and corporate treasuries, posting it to Github, alongside FinTP. New functionalities are posted to Github, along with an automated testing tool and a benchmarking tool. At the same time, the community portal is revamped and redesign to be more collaborative and richer than before.

Milestones of the timeline include:

| May 2012 – Allevo launches the FinTP project and publishes its vision and scope
| March 2013 – the FinTP® and the FINkers United® trademarks are registered by Allevo with OHIM
| April 2013 – a limited subset of FinTP code and libraries are published, with a goal to get support from the first professionals interested to work with Allevo to this project.
| Mid-May 2013 – the first hackathon-like event was organized, to verify the infrastructure, documentation and the ‘first feeling’ of FinTP code.
| Summer 2013 – ongoing upload of new FinTP source code.
| First half October 2013 – Second hackathon meant mostly to verify the consistency of community related processes and the quality of service provided by the various assigned new roles.
| January 2014 – getting public with the FinTP Project.
| 24 January 2014 – official launch of the FINkers United community.
| 16 August 2017 - The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”. This extends FinTP with an automated testing tool and a benchmarking tool, as well as with flows for SMEs and corporate treasuries.
| 15 March 2019 - New portal.
| 13 March 2020 - Publication of documentation and code for FinTPc, Benchmarking and Automated Testing tools

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