Scenario – Outgoing SEPA Credit Transfer


FinTP-SEPA functionality, processing Euro payment instructions in compliance to SEPA regulation and schemes, includes 2 components: FinTP-SCT for processing credit transfer instructions and FinTP-SDD for processing direct debit instructions.

This document is intended to outline requirements for assuring the connction between a bank internal applications and the SWIFT network in order to process outgoing SEPA Credit Transfer transactions.


FinTP-SCT ensures the processing of Euro payment instructions (credit transfer) corresponding to the business flows in relation with the correspondent bank (XYZ Bank) which acts as a CSM. FinTP-SCT is processing the credit transfer – pacs.008 – low value payment instruction

The base functionality of FinTP assures:

  • Technical integration with back-office applications
  • Duplicate detection for outgoing transactions
  • Conversion into/from SWIFT FIN and XML ISO20022 format
  • Embedded message routing mechanism, with two routing modes: based on rules and on content
  • Advanced capabilities for transaction searching and reporting
  • Transactions tracing and logging into history database
  • Persistent end-to-end transactions
  • Communication breaks detection along with connection restoring
  • Security module, including the management of groups and users, profiles, functions etc.
  • Transactions archiving
  • Facilities to view and manage transactions (processing, monitoring, authorization, exceptions investigation, reporting)
  • Administration: users/groups settings, message routing and formatting rules, lists management, audit logs enquiring, data archiving


  • Search reports

Business Flow


Outgoing instructions flows – credit transfer instructions

1FinTP receives data from BackOffice App (MT103 format ) related to credit transfer instructions to be settled by XYZ Bank BOApp FinTP
2If duplicate detection feature is configured for this flow, the transactions will be validated against the configured criteria (see Note 1)FinTPFinTP
3Transactions which fail validation will be automatically moved to a specific investigation queue:
• CTDupOutQueue - credit transfer
4In case duplicate detection feature is not configured or transactions are passing validation, they are routed to a specific authorization queue:
• CTOutQueue - credit transfer
5At authorization queue level, users have the option to select transactions in order to reject, authorize (see Note 2) or move them to investigation FinTPFinTP
6In case of manual rejection, error code FINTP09 will be assigned by FinTP to the transaction and an alarm could be sentFinTPFinTP
7In case of moving transactions to investigation, users have the option to select the specific investigation queue.
Available queue will be configured in compliance with bank polices
8In case of authorization, transactions will be grouped and sent to SWIFT networkFinTPSAA
9Positive answers received from SAA/SWIFT network will be matched with original transactions and Ack code will be assigned to them SAAFinTP
10Negative answers received from SAA/SWIFT network will be matched with the original transactions; the received error code will be assigned to all transactions in the file; an alarm could be sentSAAFinTP
11Positive answers received from XYZ Bank (file accepted) will be matched with original transactions and Acceptance code -- CSM00 - will be assigned to themSAAFinTP
12Negative answers received from XYZ Bank (file reject) will be matched with the original transactions ; the received error code will be assigned to all transactions in the file; an alarm could be sent;SAAFinTP


  1. Duplicate criteria – all business transaction data, except reference
  2. Authorization – the authorization mode will be configured at queue level depending on the bank policies:
    • Manual authorization – users will select and manually authorize the instructions
    • Scheduled authorization – specific cut-off periods will be configured, at cut-off all instructions in the specific queue will be automatically authorized.
    • Real-time authorization – instructions will not be stopped

Response to outgoing transactions flows

FinTP could send alarms to Back Office when a final negative status for each transaction will be received. The following type of responses can be expected:

  • Transaction manually rejected from FinTP
  • Transaction rejected by SAA/SWIFT network
  • Transaction rejected by XYZ Bank

Support files

The configuration files and scripts required to run this scenario are available on GitHub :

  • Release Notes
  • Connector configuration files
  • Server configuration files
  • Scripts needed to start/stop and monitor the deployment
  • Database scripts for the MT103 and pacs008 message types

You will also need to download the precompiled in FinTP binaries from the Releases section of this site, or build your own binaries using the code published on GitHub.

For additional instructions see the wiki of every project :

  • Installation instructions for details on how to deploy the binaries and configuration file for a connector.

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