Mobile App for the Forum

Home Forum Portal Mobile App for the Forum

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  • #3327
    Sorina Bera

    I saw the application recommended by Andrei and it is very nice and easy to use on mobile. I also recommend it to use. It optimizes the view very well.


    I have a suggestion regarding a mobile app to read/write on the forum when you don’t have a PC near you. As you all know, browsing a forum on a smartphone can be a real pain (mostly due to screen/resolution limitations). My suggestion is TapaTalk.
    It is available for Android, iPhone and Blackberry and it costs 2-3$ depending on the platform. There is also a free alternative called Convo (for Android and iPhone only).
    If you want to see the app feel free to come to my desk as I have it installed on my phone (Android).

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